Autumn 2022


WOW, what a first week back. Year 2/3 have been super busy getting back into the swing of a new school year. We have been lucky enough to have Nick our sports coach for PE this half term. On the first day back we got to know a little better, started to establish classroom routines and came up with our own 'class contract' of the way we expect ALL of the people in year 2/3 should act. Nick got us moving with a fun multi skills lesson and got our heart rates up. Near the end of the week, we started our D&T project for this term which is all about eating seasonally as we approach harvest time. The children looked at what fruits/ vegetables are produced in our local area at this time of year. 

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We have jumped into our normal timetable this week and the children have adapted to his new regime really well. We started our maths block on place value and the children have demonstrated this in a number of different ways. The class have been introduced to our text for this half term- 'The Nothing To See Here Hotel'. We read the first few chapters and tried to re-create the first chapter-'Not all grannies are nice' but with a twist. Against the popular opinion (and against Miss Scotson's personal belief) we wrote a chapter 'Not all kittens are nice' in the style of the author, Steven Lenton. For RE this half term, we are exploring God's message about forgiveness and how this applies to our own beliefs. We spoke about why it is important to forgive and made forgiving hands. 

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Wow! What a week! Year 2/3 have crammed so much learning fun into this 4 day week. In English we have been continuing with work on our class text 'The Nothing to See Here Hotel'. The book is full of weird and wonderful characters and we have been using this to create our own character descriptions. The children have come up with some fantastic adjectives to help us with this. We got a little soggy in the middle of the week when we went out in the rain to re-enact the invasions of the Roman Empire. 

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On Friday, year 2/3 learned about the meaning of fair. After a little story, the children decided that 'fair' isn't everyone getting the same. Instead, it is everyone getting what they need instead. 



This week we have been learning all about forgiveness through a story we have learned in the bible. We looked at the story of Jonah and the whale and how not only did God forgive Jonah, Jonah forgave the people of Nineva. In maths, we have been learning all about comparing and ordering numbers. We created our own three digit numbers rolling a dice and put them into order. 

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We learned all about the story of Boudicca and how she led the Brittons to fight the Roman army. Unfortunately, Boudicca's army were not successful due to the Roman's defence strategies. We loved re-creating this as a class. 

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At the start of this week, year 2 and 3 have been looking at life on Hadrian's Wall. We have been learning all about the Scots and their fiery nature which kept the Romans away. The children have been designing Roman forts on Hadrian's Wall. In PE this term we have had our dancing shoes on and have been coming up with some dance moves of our own using choreography. In music, we have been learning about different types of instruments. We have been singing the song 'Let your spirit fly' and playing our glockenspiels at the same time. We have some brilliant musicians in year 2 and 3. READ ALL ABOUT IT..... this week in English we have been learning about the features of a newspaper article. 

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This week, we have been writing our own newspapers. A lot of crazy and wonderful things have happened in our book and we think it is about time told everyone about it. The children have especially enjoyed writing about the naughty prince having his bottom pinched by crabs! We have been learning about our skeleton and the names of our bones. We labelled them on each other which made us realise where they fit within us. 

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What an end to a fantastic half term! We finished our half term off with a trip to The Roman Army museum and Vindolanda Roman fort. The children got to explore the old Roman fort on Hadrian's wall. This was decorated to commemorate 1900 years of Hadrian's wall. At the Roman Army museum, the children watched a 3D movie about life at Vindolanda during the Roman times, had a lesson in the virtual classroom and tried their hand at being an archer in the Roman Army. 

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Welcome back after half term- This half term we will be swapping history for geography and DT for art. 


I hope you have all had a wonderful half term, the children have come back refreshed and ready to work. We have been super busy and back to it this week. We have had a DT week finishing off what we started before half term. The children have been looking at what fruits and veg are seasonal in the UK at the moment. Mrs Brannan in the kitchen has asked us all to create a seasonal tart to add to the school's dinner menu. The children tried 4 different seasonal fruits and vegetables and finally decided to make spiced apple tarts. They had a brilliant time making them and an even better time trying them afterwards. 

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This week the children finished off their addition and subtraction unit in maths doing some tricky things with exchanging. They have also been writing riddle poems and though we would share our class worked example. 
I used to be useful but now I am scrap. 
Dull, useless, flat. 
I go up when it's wet but down when it dries. 
You would only use me when there are grey skies. 
What am I?
Can you guess what the children were writing about? They came up with some brilliant metaphors and similes to help them with this. In science this half term, we have been learning about living things and their habitats. We went for a look around the school see if we could find items that are alive, dead or have never been alive. 

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We had PJ for children in need this week. The children loved this and there were lots of fun Children in need activities to go along side their cosy day. 

In RE half term, we are learning about the Holy Trinity. The children have come up with many creative ideas to liken to the Trinity. Just to name a few- water, ice and steam.  An egg- shell, yolk and white.  A jaffa cake biscuit, orange and chocolate. All the same thing but are completely different parts. For music this half term we are learning to play the glockenspiel. They are starting to get the hang of how to hold the beater to make the best sound.