Harvest Festival 2015

Harvest Festival 2015

All children worked hard to practise a little something to perform for their audience and members of the local community. 

We must remember this Harvest time to be thankful for vegetables and all our food. 
We should be thankful for everyone who helps us to eat- our families who cook our food, those who work in the kitchen at school, those who have grown and harvested, produced and delivered our food.  We should be thankful for what we have and for all the hard work that has gone into our food. 

Class 1,2,3- Crunchy Cornflakes
Crunchy cornflakes, crunchy cornflakes
Shredded Wheat, Shredded Wheat             
Weetabix and porridge, Weetabix and porridge
Good to eat.

Time for breakfast, time for breakfast
Cereals, cereals,
Would you like a bowlful? Would you like a bowlful?
Best of meals.

Time for harvest, time for harvest
Fruits and grain, fruits and grain
Growing in the sunshine, growing in the sunshine,
Wind and rain, wind and rain.

The colours change with every season.  What colours do we associate with Autumn? 

Class 4
“Orange in Autumn”

Orange is a warm, bright, glowing colour.
It is the colour of sunset. on a warm, sunny day.
It is the colour of flames in an autumn bonfire, burning up the crisp, orange leaves.
It is the colour of cornflakes - and marmalade on toast, a tasty way to start the day.
It is the colour of Crunchies and barley sugar sweets, a lovely way to treat yourself.
It is the colour of baked beans, fish fingers and spaghetti hoops, tomato soup, carrots and lentils - all delicious to eat on a chilly autumn evening.
It is also the colour of oranges, satsumas, apricots, peaches and nectarines - a refreshing way to finish a meal.
Where would we be without orange?
It brightens up the autumn garden and adds colour to our meals.
Thank you, God, for orange.

Class 5
“Red in Autumn”

Tipperty toes, the smallest elf,
Sat on a mushroom by himself,
Playing a little tinkling tune
Under a big red harvest moon;
And this is the song that Tipperty made
To sing to the little tune he played.

“Red are the hips, red are the haws,
Red and gold are the leaves that fall,
Red are the poppies in the corn,
Red berries on the rowan tall;
Red is the big round harvest moon,
And red are my new little dancing shoon”
Thank you, God, for red.
– Elizabeth Gould

The children of Class 6 shared their own Autumn Poem. 
They used their senses to ‘paint a picture’

Class 6- Class Poem (Linked to the Magic of the Brain)

Announcement of Head Boy and Head Girl (Mr Hodgkiss)

Closing Prayer
Dear God, we thank you for the colours and smells and tastes of your harvest gifts. We share these gifts with people who need them.
We give thanks for people of all people, colours and beliefs.
We pray for a harvest of harmony and friendship throughout the world.
Thank you God for the beauty of Autumn and harvest time


Thank you to all those who contributed to our Harvest Collection.  
We moved all items to the Church after school and the Community Harvest Auction will be held
on Sunday evening at St.Mary's Church, Rockcliffe.