Autumn 2023
This autumn is set to be action packed in Year 1 & 2. Aside from settling back into school and learning a new routine children will be looking at the following:
In Literacy we will be looking at a story called ‘Stanley’s Stick’. We will look at character description, setting description, and sequencing of events along with much more! In Maths Year 1’s will looking at place value to 20 and Yr 2’s place value to 100. This half term in History we will be looking at Childhood and more specifically focusing in on ‘Toys through the ages’. This will link to our Science topic of ‘Materials’ where we will use toys to investigate their properties. In RE we are looking at why the Bible is special to Christians as well as delving deeper into our value of the term ‘Strength’. Our sports coach Nick will be leading our PE sessions on a Wednesday this half term which I am sure everyone will thoroughly enjoy! In French we will be learning words for sea creatures and then using them in a song all about under the sea. We are also very excited to be taking part in an art project which will see us working alongside a local artist Shona Brannigan who will be visiting school towards the end of the term to get us all involved in printing a round from the fallen village oak tree. This will go on display next to our own pieces of work in an open exhibition in early November. Towards the end of the term we will also be taking part in 2 forest school sessions at Longtown which is a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn new skills.
Take a look at some of our amazing work on display in our classroom. From strength jars, fabulous under the sea creatures, marvelous writing, wicked maths, all the way to historical investigations and printing. The children have been working so hard!
Now that Autumn is upon us we decided to use some of fresh pears grown in our prayer garden to make some pear and apple crumble, it was warm and delicious.
Wow look at us moving, balancing and showing off some amazing agility skills in PE!
We have been lucky to also have the pleasure of having Liana from Tullie House visit us and help us learn more about ‘Toy’s Through the Ages’.
Welcome back after a restful Autumn break.
We are very excited with all the fun things we will be learning this half term including understanding the seasons, looking at our local area, Remembrance Day, puppet making and not to forget our Christmas production it certainly is going to be action packed!
We kicked off week one with enjoying another day at ‘The Learning Forest’, children saw great seasonal changes since our last visit and enjoyed many activities including whittling (we will be using these in our puppet project), creating a decorative wood hanging, hammering into pumpkins, creating leaf garlands and identifying fallen leaves. We of course also enjoyed the warmth of the fire circle, swinging the hammocks and using the balancing beam!
With Remembrance Day approaching fast we had a fantastic opportunity to meet local resident Mr Parrini, who kindly came into school to share some of his family history including a vast array of medals, outfits and photographs. We were also really impressed to hear that Mr Parrini has been and met King Charles and was awarded an MBE for his service to our country!
Following on from meeting Mr Parrini we were able to hear stories from relatives in our class including a world champion stick holder! This inspired us to create our own prayer space to help us to reflect during this special time. We all decorated our own poppies and added them to the prayer space.
This week we celebrated all of our hard work from last half term in our school art exhibition it was great to see the progression through school and to showcase the talent in yr1/2.