Our Governing Body is compromised of nine members, please see attached for roles and responsiblities:
Clemmie Mounsey-Heysham - Chair of Governors and Elected Parent Governor
Rebecca Burrow - Vice Chair and Designated Safeguarding Governor
Rev'd. Ian Johnston - Vicar of St. Mary's, Rockcliffe (Foundation Ex-Officio Governor)
Jennie Cross - Foundation Governor
Amelia Morphet - Local Authority Governor
Rafe Parker - Co-opted Community Governor
Staff Governor - Mrs Jones
Marie Jamieson- Headteacher
The governing body meets once a term to:
- set the aims and objectives for the school
- set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
- monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
- be a source of support and challenge to the headteacher (a critical friend)
Some of the governing body’s work is delegated to one of three working groups:
Buildings, Health and Safety: ensures compliance with Health & Safety procedures and oversees the upkeep of the building and grounds along with staff well being
Staffing and Finance: sets and monitors the budget, monitors and evaluates policies for all staffing issues e.g. recruitment, pay, teacher appraisal
Standards and Curriculum: ensures that the school offers all children the National Curriculum and monitors and evaluates curriculum policies
If you wish to contact any of the Governing Body then can be contacted either directly (official email addresses are linked above) or through the clerk who will direct emails on your behalf. You can also leave written communications at the school office and these will be treated in confidence and passed on.