Autumn 2023
Autumn 1
Welcome back!
Hi all.
Welcome back to school and into our new class.
Autumn 1 - Romans in The Lake District
Our topic this half term is Romans in the Lake District. We will learn about the impact of the Romans on our local area. Did you know that it took the Romans 30 years to get from the south coast to Cumbria? Why? We will be finding out in our History lessons...
For the first half term, we will have the PE expertise of Nick every Wednesday afternoon and we know that children are very exxcited about this. Furthermore in Science, we will be looking at how we can keep our bodies healthy. In Art, we will be starting a very exciting whole-school art project.
In English, we are using Roman Myths and Legends to develop our comprehension. We will be developing story maps to retell Myths and Legends, unpicking key features and we will develop our grammar skills.
Year 2/3 children are very lucky as we have the PE expertise of Nick. Children were very excited to see Nick on Wednesday and the session was very energetic.
We are focussing on skills and strategies for team games including spatial awareness, teamwork and dodging. Well done everyone for 100% effort!
We have started a whole school art project. We searched our school grounds for a wide variety of leaves to create some art work. Children used felt tips to colour the leaves and printed on plain paper. We even had beautiful, rainbow leaves!
Children experienced a hockey PE lesson and demonstrated some fantastic skills!
In English, we have been looking at a range of Roman Myths. One of these Myths was the story of Romulus and Remus. Children had to act out the argument between the two brothers and decide where was the best place to build the city of Rome. They used speech bubbles to show character speech before writing direct speech using punctuation.
In History, we have been conducting lots of research to answer the question- How do we know the Romans were here?
Children completed an obstacle course to understand why it took the Romans 30 years to reach Cumbria and we discussed the various obstacles that they faced on their journey. We have studied a range or artefacts and looked at remaining evidence which has survived.
As part of our Questful RE Journey, we are completing a class scrap book. Why are rules important?
We started from the children's experiences before looking at how Moses received the Ten Commandments.
Art Afternoon
We worked with Mrs Pieroni's Class to create our artwork. Children used their own stamps to add designs to bags and coasters.
They also enjoyed making Christmas Cards! Keep yoyur eyes peeled for our upcoming Art Exhibition.
Forest Schools
We were so lucky to experience Forest Schools with Mrs Armstrong.
Autumn 2 - Hot and Cold Climates
Welcome back, everyone. We hope you had a lovely restful break. This half term is going to be another busy one as we continue to develop our learning and prepare for the Christmas festivities.
This term, our topic is Hot and Cold Climates around the world. We will identify the seven continents and the five oceans through song and try to locate some countries. We will complete some research to find out more about climates in different parts of the world and extend our knowledge of geographical vocabulary.
In English, we will begin the half term by writing some Remembrance Sense Poems before looking at our key text 'The Journey Home' Our text looks at worldwide conservation and how the world is changing. We will look also look at letter writing- What would be your funniest excuse for being late to school?
In RE, we will be looking at the symbol of Light as we approach the celebration of Christmas. We will also study other festivals of light such as Diwali and Hannukah.
Art Exhibition
On Tuesday 7th November, we will be hosting a whole school art exhibition. We are delighted that our children have had the chance to work with a local Cumbrian artist on a series of art pieces based around the village oak tree. Children have really enjoyed the last few weeks and are proud to show the community their products.
Year 2/3 made Christingles for our special church service.